
Dogs die too young.This could change that.

The heartbreak of losing a dog is unbearable. And the thought of it approaching is just as bad. CanineLife offers the hope of extending their precious time in this life, providing us extra time with them.

“An online pet supplement company that makes keeping your dog alive longer a real possibility.”

“Researchers concluded that the ingredients inside most likely extend lifespan”

“If your four-legged friend is your best friend, you can't go wrong giving it a try.”

Give Your Dog More Life In Their Years

We've crafted CanineLife+ with a singular, heartfelt mission: to add more time to your dog's life. Aware of the limited time we get to spend with our four-legged companions,we created a supplement combines carefully-selected ingredients known for their anti-aging and life-extending properties, giving you more walks, more fetch games, and more loving moments with your best friend. In a world where time is the most valuable asset, our goal is to give you and your dog the priceless gift of extra time togethe - something you simply cannot put a price on.

NAD+ Booster


As your dog gets older, their NAD+ levels naturally decrease. Raising NAD+ levels can have dual benefits: it boosts cellular energy production and activates genes that guard against age-related illnesses. This supplement contains an NAD+ Booster.

Senolytics target dysfunctional but living "zombie cells" that accelerate aging and inflammation. The process of eliminating these cells is called senolysis. The supplement contains a potent senolytic to neutralize these cells,



CoQ10 for dogs is a powerful antioxidant, which helps to stimulate your pet’s immune system. Coenzyme Q10 is naturally produced by the canine body, however production diminishes with age, so supplementation is essential.

To ensure our fresh recipes are nutritionally complete and balanced, we add high-quality supplemental nutrients, like fish oil. It’s Human-Grade, filled with Omega-3s, and really tasty!

Normal Dogs

Our Dogs

The average dog's life is often limited by factors like chronic illnesses, joint deterioration, and a weakened immune system, especially as they age. These are common outcomes that come with natural cellular aging and typical dog foods, which often lack the specialized nutrients required to mitigate these age-related challenges. Consequently, many families find themselves wishing for a few more years of healthy, happy life with their furry companions as they start facing these inevitable health issues.

In contrast, dogs that are treated optimally experience a markedly different aging journey. Our formula use specific ingredients that work together to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, slow cellular aging, supplement nutritional deficiencies, improve joint health, combat inflammation, and fortify the immune system. The goal is to offer pet owners a scientifically-informed option for enriching their dogs' lives, potentially leading to more vibrant, healthier, and longer-lasting companionship.

Extend Your Dog's Life

Tailor-Made Plan

Elixir of Canine Longevity

Savor the Milestones

We guide you in personalizing the supplement based on your dog's age, weight, and health needs.

Administer it daily to rejuvenate your dog from the cellular level - end result: more cherished moments with your four-legged family member.

Take time to relish the extra moments together. Whether it's extra walks, playtime, or simply more cuddles, every day is a gift of time well spent.

Here's Why it's Life Changing

Keeps Them Young

Our supplement’s active ingredients help to slow down the hands of time, giving your dog a more youthful demeanor.

Enriched Companionship

Longer life expectancy equates to more joyful experiences and deepened companionship.

Expands Your Love Story

More years mean more walks, more holidays, and more chances to say, “Good dog!”

We're Here if You Need Us

We’re a team of real, passionate dog people, ready to answer all your canine questions and adjust your dog’s supplements for every life phase. We’re friendly, so reach out any time!

How Your Plan Works

Grab Your Bottle

Unlock Lifelong Vitality

Get Regular Deliveries

Each bottle contains a one-month supply of our groundbreaking longevity chewies.

You don't have to choose between options; we've expertly formulated our chewies to meet the comprehensive health needs of all dogs.

After you've had a chance to try it out, you should subscribe to start receiving perfectly timed deliveries. 

Plan Features

Boosted Longevity

Enhanced Youthfulness

One-Month Supply

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Easy-to-Chew Format

More Than Just Extra Years

It's not just about adding years to life, but life to years. Our chewies also elevate the quality of life your pet enjoys right now.

Real Food. Made Fresh. Delivered.

Less Health Ailments

Boosted Happiness

Less Fatigue

Heard Around the Park

"When I lost Bruno at just seven years old, the weight of that premature goodbye was unbearable. The thought that I could've done more never left me. With my new pup, Odie, I knew I had to be proactive. That's when I discovered this brand. It's given me peace of mind knowing I'm taking that extra step to give Max the longest life I can give him"

Kim, mom to dachshund, Odie.

Losing Bella at just eight years old was heartbreaking. Despite our efforts, the "what ifs" never left me. With Obi, I knew I had to try everything. This isn't just a supplement – it's Obi's lifeline to a longer, healthier life.”

Porter's mom

Sylvia, mom to 13-year-old Pekingese, Obi.